Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Craigslist Ad

Birthing Well Doula Services

Every woman deserves warm, encouraging support as she births. A professional doula works to help the expectant mother, providing physical and emotional support during pregnancy, labor, and birth. Offering encouragement and understanding as well as the knowledge and experience of a trained birth professional, a doula serves to help achieve the desired birth experience of the mother whatever that may be. At Birthing Well Doula Services we aspire to support you, responding to each birthing woman as the unique person she is trusting and confirming her innate ability to birth well. Different packages available to meet a variety of budgets and needs.

Contact me for more information or for information regarding private and group childbirth classes. Phone: 713.316.9918 e-mail: Jessica@birthingwell.com

How's that for an ad? Simple, sweet and to the point? Sort of. Does it even get to the point? What is the point? I'm not a terrible writer but these type of assignments often cause me difficulty. This is just my craigslist ad too, working on the website information which will include more about me personally, what I offer, service packages, contract information, benefits of a doula, etc. Well, it's a start anyway. I'll be back later, I'm having birth withdraws and I must blog about that before it's satiated with some up coming births. Confessions of a birth junkie coming soon.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Tomorrow I'll get a real post here but for now here it is, my doula blog. It's not much but I'll call it home. :)